Red in the Morning,
Red in the morning, sailors take warning.
Was directed to a London Daily Telegraph article about Abp. Rowan Williams comments with regard to alternative lifestyle couples and their place in The Church. Am not sure exactly how I feel. Followed that up with a trip to the Church of England Newspaper website and found essentially the same report. As a matter of personal opinion I am committed to the Via Media, which I interpret to mean that I am disposed to be welcoming to gays and gay couples but not uphold their lifestyle as one to be emulated. Ergo, I'm not sure but that The Archbishop went a little overboard to the right in his latest interview. But then, the Church's newspaper article wasn't quite as harsh as that of the Telegraph, so it's possible that the report in the Telegraph was skewed.
Not sure where that puts me theologically with regard to The Episcopal Church at the present time. I'm aware that PBp. Griswold has called for a conversation with regard to request for "alternative oversight" from Bps. Iker and Duncan and I see that as a good thing.
Am closely watching the upcoming Bp. Coadjutor election in the Diocese of Newark, and truly fear that the election might hinge on whether or not Newark chooses to test the resolve of our Diocesan Bishops and Standing Committees in regard to General Convention's 11th hour resolution B033 and their understanding thereof.
Ultimately it appears that the far left and the far right are working with some success to drive a wedge into TEC and bring about the schism that each so desperately is seeking.
Don't we truly have better things to do?