EFM is settled
I've had a decision made for me with regards to EFM this upcoming year. Not sure how I feel about being somewhat left out of the process but there is some comfort in no longer having to pursue which direction is correct.
Had indicated that one or more members might drop out. Counting myself that number now comes to three out of nine. One choice I considered was that to continue I would read Year Three solo. An option I chose not to accept. Second possibility, in my eyes, was to re-take Year Two (unregistered) with the Group. I was told that this doesn't fit within Sewanee's guidelines. So, I will sit out a year and possibly rejoin next year.
Am a little disappointed being told that unregistered participation was a no-no. We spent a lot of last year sidestepping guidelines and now this year I'm being told it's all "by the book". That causes one to feel there is latitude being granted some participants but not others and that rules are tailored to fit circumstances and preferences. However; I've been spared making a hard decision, so maybe it's for the best. C'est La Vie.
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