Politics and the episcopacy
Big news yesterday (or the day before) is that due to procedural errors The Very Rev. Mark Lawrence will not be consecrated Bp. in The Diocese of So. Carolina as scheduled. Another election is to be held; and if South Carolinians are anything like Texans, Fr. Mark will be elected yet again and thereafter I presume The Diocese will be very careful in securing consent in a timely and fully proper fashion.
So, what will all this have accomplished? Only a delay in consecration. And the left will be even more "pissed" towards the right and the right will be even more "pissed" towards the left and the National Church.
And the winner will be?
We're all losers for the politics of it.
There is currently a malignancy in The Episcopal Church and it's eating us alive. The sooner we recognize its existence, begin working to treat the disease and quit arguing about its symptoms the better chance our beloved patient has of survival.
I'm sure I don't know how to treat the issues we face, but if our leadership doesn't actively recognize and work to resolve our differences, there is no hope!
Pray daily that within our National Church and our entire Communion, cooler heads can prevail and we can reach consensus without schism.