A Correct Verdict...
and total outrage from the left that they couldn’t railroad
an Hispanic/white (mixed race) man into a penalty they thought he deserved in
an effort to atone for past evils towards those in the black community is what
the jury verdict in Sanford, FL presents to us.
I’ve followed the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman case
fairly closely as I did the Duke Lacrosse team rape case. In both instances, I
truly believe the MSM drove the reporting to foster a greater attitude of
racial discrimination and animosity. I also believe that such machinations of
the propaganda machine are of NO BENEFIT WHATSOEVER, to improved race relations
in our country. Having “come of age” in the early 60’s, in the South, I am fully
aware of the rancor towards blacks that existed at the time. IT WAS WRONG, on
all counts. I also believe an attitude currently exists in the white community
that isn’t present in the black one being: “We have put those biases behind us.”
Notice I limited that comment to the white community only. I’ve been told that
racial tensions are higher in the black community now (2013) than they were in
the 50’s-60’s and from my perspective, sadly I must agree.
If anyone is interested, a commentary on the facts of the
case may be viewed here.
I found it most interesting. The MSM has taken a legal situation, based upon
law, which is the foundation of our Republic, and skewed it towards a racial
issue of discrimination; though that’s NOT the issue at law in this case. Were
racial profiling available as an offense, rest assured the prosecution would
have exploited it for all it’s worth as did the media in their attempt to do so.
Does racial inequality exist in today’s society? Possibly
to some degree. While testimony and evidence points to Trayvon being the
aggressor in the altercation, was it sufficient for George Zimmerman to use
deadly force in self-defense? Who knows, possibly. Did Trayvon throw the first
punch? Yeah, I believe so. Does George Zimmerman carry some responsibility for
the incident as it occurred? Maybe to some extent. Should this event have risen
to the prominence which it did? ABSOLUTELY NOT!
I believe that it’s time for all of us to quit trying to
erase sins that were committed 150-240 years ago (let’s see, that would be 7-10
generations past) and begin trying to dwell on moving forward rather than trying
to perpetuate past injustices. Life is not “FAIR” to all concerned and never
will be. Successful people don’t dwell on its unfairness but rather seek to
move forward to a better situation as they are able. Isn’t it about time we all
realized that and worked towards that end rather than trying to vilify or
justify an issue based upon racial stereotyping rather than law?