Friday, December 14, 2007

Kinky quotes

I'm a collector of thoughts. When listening or reading I seem to hear profound truths from time to time and like to keep them for future contemplation.

Have recently finished Kinky Friedman's Cowboy Logic. Here are a few of my favorites:

“It may not be the easy way,
but it’s the cowboy way.”

“Courtesy is owed. Respect is earned.
Love is given.”

“Hang on tight, spur hard,
and let ‘er buck.”

“Find out what you like and let it kill you.”

“Be yourself - that way you never have to remember who you are."

“The judge of who is a cowboy should be
God and little children.”
And finally, our City is in a bit of a "to do" over a proposed statue for the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum located here. Lots of Letters to the Editor and opinions on both sides of the issue. A young lady (about 14) wrote the local daily and queried the following:

"Whatever you do, always ask yourself:
'Would the Alamo defenders have died for that'?"
There is wisdom all around us, No?

Monday, December 10, 2007


Seems I always become more reflective around Christmas. I've been told it's "the nature of the beast." Guess it has something to do with missing some of the carefree times of my youth when Grandparents exhibited unconditional love, unconditionally; when all the family got together to bake cookies for Christmas gifts to Grandaddy's customers, and when a kid had no responsibility other than to be a kid.

Much of our extended family always came together one weekend each Advent, for companionship and baking. We all ate homemade chili and Grandmother's Tamale Pie and baked hundreds of dozens of different kinds of cookies. Those were good times. Times have changed and we've moved on to other traditions and currently the family's not together that often; but, "the good Lord willin' and the creek don't rise," given time even this will pass.

Y'all enjoy your Advent and look forward with anticipation to His birth.