A Lacrosse Victory - NOT
News of the day is that all charges against the three Duke University Lacrosse players are dropped. According to the North Carolina Attorney General’s Office there was no basis for the indictment and their report called the Durham D.A. a “rogue” prosecutor. So, after countless months of turmoil and untold dollars of legal fees, the three young men are off the hook; or are they? Will their names, reputations and lives ever return to normal? I think not. And will they have any recourse towards the complainant or Nifong for wrongful prosecution, for the disruptions of their education, the millions of expenses they have incurred, the media “circus” that surrounded the false accusations and the stigma of the entire matter that will follow them the rest of their lives? Again I think not.
Durham County D.A. Mike Nifong used the false accusations of a black stripper to win a closely contested election. And afterwards was so arrogant that he refused to admit error and let the matter drop when evidence pointing to their innocence became obvious to all. But, he did win his precious election. I hope there is some form of judicial punishment that will cause him to truly atone for his misdeeds. And the system stood up for a poor black girl against three young white men of assumed privilege; even though the complainant had a history of wrongly accusing men, three at a time coincidently, of rape. I had hoped she likewise would be prosecuted to the fullest extent for her filing of a false accusation, but such is not to be. And I wish with all my being that there was some way the media and the elitists could be punished for their convicting the innocent players before any substantiation was brought forward, and its continuing conviction of them; evidence to the contrary not withstanding. All done in the name of “political correctness.” Because, you see, none of this was about rape, but rather that surely if some young white men attending Duke University were said to have done “the crime”, they must be guilty; else why would the accusations be made?
Was the stripper demeaned at the party? Most probably, though somehow it seems to go with the territory. One who takes off their clothes off in front of a bunch of drunken men, should not expect to be treated like a lady. Was she high? Evidence indicates so. Had she engaged in sex that evening? Also, evidence indicates so, just not with any of the Lacrosse team.
My assumptions are that the stripper felt disrespected or else woke up drunk in a parking lot and was looking to excuse her behavior. And what better way to do so than by crying rape. Then Nifong jumped on the bandwagon, seeing this as a way to garner enough of the black vote to win his hotly contested election. And the media, well they were just looking for any story that validates a preconceived notion of all that’s wrong with society being able to be laid at the feet of the white middle and upper classes. Yet today, after all the evidence that has been presented, it seems there are still folks who believe money and power “bought off” the incident and that the young men are still guilty.
Racism does still exist and will continue to do so as long as various communities encourage it (in ALL its forms) and the mainstream media, under the guise of political correctness, supports its agenda. Only by both the black and white communities working together instead of being at cross purposes, can a level of trust develop. As long as either side chooses to further their ends through entitlement or by charges of racism, we will not move forward. The elimination of racism will not be achieved by legislation but rather only by a mutual understanding of each other, for “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”
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