Saturday, October 28, 2006

Sometimes Life's Humbling

Across from our office are some apartments that attract less than stellar residents. A few are dealing dope, some are less than stable mentally and all are marginalized. One particular couple in their mid 50's live directly across the street and are constantly pestering us. Borrowing money 'till next month (that they always pay back), borrowing toilet paper that they don't and getting candy from the candy jar though they shouldn't. She's a diabetic and is always the one getting candy, it's not that we mind sharing. Both of them would be considered "slow" by any standard; but, they are well meaning and we tolerate them. Perhaps as we believe we are called to do.

Am scheduled for hip replacement next week and needless to say, I'm somewhat anxious about it. It will be done by a premier Surgeon in a top rated Hospital for Ortho. Surgery, so I have no real need for concern but I am anyway. I'm an INTJ, remember? As the couple across the street are here at least a couple of times a week; they know about my surgery, and he, particularly, has shown concern for me and spoken to me about it several times. In turn, I've been respectful towards him but generally "blown him off." Being that he's a little slow on the uptake, I have better things to do with my time.

The latter part of this past week he came over yet again, into my office, asked if he could say a prayer for me about my surgery and then did. It certainly was a simple petition, not like we expect to hear from our Clergy, the more "enlightened" laity, or even our peers. But, there was no questioning the faith and heartfelt trust with which it was offered, and I pray received.

Frequently we say: "We'll keep you in our prayers" and do, though sometimes I wonder about the true belief with which those prayers are offered. The other day there was no question. No if's, ands or maybes; and from one who might be refered to as: "The lesser of these." Talk about being brought down a peg, I was. But you know what; after that offering from my friend, whether I want him as such or not, his petition on my behalf I knew was heard and would be answered, and that's really a good feeling. And in retrospect it's also nice to have another friend.

'Till later, Pax.


At 11:02 AM, Blogger Marshall Scott said...

The Holy Spirit comes to us in unexpected and mysterious ways, verdad? Blessings for your surgery.

At 12:41 PM, Blogger The Observer said...

Es verdad!


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