Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Got a smudge on my forehead

Today is Ash Wednesday and I’ve just gotten my “ashes” as I do every year; got “fed” too, but that’s another post. Will leave them on until they “wear off”, as is my custom. Occasionally, it produces unique consequences.

A bunch of years ago on Ash Wednesday a very good friend of mine (then a Baptist) saw me and told me that it looked like I’d smudged some newsprint on my forehead. I took the time to explain that it was from the Imposition of Ashes at church that morning and I went on to tell him a little about the beliefs of the Anglican Church. To make a long story short, after several years and some rough patches in his life he came to inquire as to what the Episcopal Church was really all about. Seems he couldn’t find the forgiveness he needed in the Baptist Church during that period. It gave me the opportunity to wax eloquent about where Anglicans are coming from and invite him to visit. He did, liked what he saw, joined the Episcopal Church and is now a Lay Reader and Sr. Warden of his Parish (in another Diocese). One of us will call the other each Ash Wednesday to make sure we’ve gotten our “smudge”. It feels good to know sometime, someone listened to what I had to say and joyfully accepted something I find utterly important in my life.

On another note, at the Service today our Priest mentioned that there was lemon water and Kleenex for those who desired to wipe off their ashes but also mentioned that they certainly could be worn throughout the day. He then related the story of a Parishioner of his (in another Parish) who had been to the Service and was out and about afterwards. Seems someone came up to her and told her she had a grey Cross on her forehead. Her answer was that she “always had a Cross on her forehead, you just could see it on Ash Wednesday.” Blew me away!


At 7:37 PM, Blogger chaindropz said...

That was a good story. If you would like to see a picture of the A1E flown by Major Fisher in veitnam you will find the site on my profile.


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