It's a small world, after all ...
This, according to my "blogger dashboard", is post number 100. I can't think of a better one to mark the occasion.
Just got off the phone with the son in Houston, fixing to begin Law School in August. Having just moved there from TN and being unfamiliar with Houston parking regulations, he was ticketed for facing the wrong direction (against the flow of traffic) on a street in front of his apartment.
As he is:
1.) A less than wealthy student working his own way thru Law School, and
2.) A student who believes it’s never too soon to start practicing one’s chosen profession,
he went down to the Court House to try and beat the ticket.
Well, here’s where it gets interesting. When he appeared before the Judge he began explaining the injustice of his ticket saying he had just moved to Houston from Sewanee, that the street was in a residential neighborhood and not marked as to directional parking (good thinking, ignorance of the law is no excuse). The Judge, a fellow Episcopalian, asked him about Sewanee, being the first person in Houston to indicate any knowledge of the University of the South. They get to talking about Parishes, where son had grown up, which Parish the Judge was a part of and so forth. You know the routine. In visiting, the Judge indicated some degree of involvement in Diocesan activities (including a term on the Camp Allen Board) and the son then asked: “When were you on the Board, you might know my Dad?” At which point the Judge puts two and two together and admits (not even reluctantly) that he does know me, tells son we were friends on the Board and asks how we are doing.
So the upshot of all this is that son’s argument held water. He got a reduction in the fine (to $ 10.00), was told a few things to expect in Law School, and made an acquaintance who indicated a willingness to be of aid if the need ever arose. Guess he also learned the old man does get around from time to time.
It isn't a very large world, is it? The wife & I have even run into an acquaintance from Laity Lodge (the Camp's Director at the time) at dinner in an out of the way hotel in Kufstein, Austria while on holiday once, but that’s a story for another time.
Y'all have a good Fourth and take time to say a prayer for our troops.
Because freedom isn't free, it's very, very expensive.
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