Monday, April 23, 2012


“Has there ever been a study done to determine if a greater percentage (as opposed to the population in general) of active practicing Christians suffer from depression in all its forms? And in turn move towards the Church to find additional comfort in the Gospel message (i.e. unconditional love)?”
I feel (and I’m speaking from my TEC perspective now) that we as a group do a relatively good job of recognizing our flawed nature as well as that of others and in so doing shift our focus to towards the promise of the Easter message and the “sure and certain hope” it provides.

I suppose, in my case, I hold a “darkened” view of this earthly realm and find my assurances in that “real Narnia” described by C. S. Lewis in The Last Battle. I would suggest that mankind, for whatever theological reason, is, and ever will be, unable to avoid the world’s condition as it has presented since the beginnings of recorded history. Which in itself is a reflection of my belief that political machinations/systems/beliefs of any sort have never worked well and that man’s only hope is in his personal relationship with God and his interpersonal relationships with others with whom he comes into direct contact (again read love); thus making any governing process from the top down one of subjection to some degree or another. And, any decision(s) made in that regard, about enforcing one’s will upon another, at the exclusion of the biblical concept of “free will."

Everyone seems to have a butt-load of crap in their lives at one time or another; some hide it well, some better share it with others. Anyway, I feel that by being in community with folks who are enduring the same journey it becomes easier for each of us to handle our own. Which thought, in itself, could be considered somewhat depressing.

What say you?


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