Red Neck Ugly
I spend waaay too much time on Youtube searching out older Country Music. Have been a fan of Tony Douglas and The Shrimpers since the mid 60's and I've found a couple of their videos posted by one "red_neckugly". This is one of the best videos I've seen. Check it out. Anyway, Red Neck is trying to generate interest in a site for the fans of older style "Country". I sent them an email in reply to a comment they had made to me. This is it.
Hey Red Neck:So if anyone out there who wanders across this post has an interest in "real" Country Music; go to Youtube, hear a great song and see a great video, then email Red Neck and let them know you enjoyed their efforts. And, if it's the case, let them know you're supportive of the proposed website.
Appreciate the reply to my comment (justlookin11) on Youtube.
A website where real country music fans could congregate sounds great to me. I suppose I quit buying the newer CD's and listening to most of the new country sound about the time Randy Travis lost his popularity. it just ain't the same as it was.
Talk about memories. Have lived in Waco, TX all my life, rodeo'ed for a time and every weekend we weren't at a show we were at either The P & L Casino in Gholsen on the county line road, Geneva Hall in Elm Mott or Buddy Moore's Western Club on the circle in Waco. Those were great times, I polished many a belt buckle on those dancefloors. Waco was on a circuit that most all the big names traveled. We would get them the day or so after they played Panther Hall in Ft Worth, the Longhorn Ballroom or Deb's Danceland. The only "stars" I remember I didn't see in person were Bob Wills and Hank Thompson. Serious regrets about both.
Seems like every time Bob & the Playboys were nearby someone else great was here too and we always thought we'd catch them next time since they were around so often. Then Bob had his stroke. Did get to hear Tommy Duncan though. And am an aquaintance of Dick Gimble, Johnny's son. He's a musician and he and his daughter play together from time to time, sometimes even with Johnny.
Hank was from Waco, he went to Waco High about the time my mother in law was there. I heard tell he was made fun of in High School for being a "hillbilly picker" and it put him in a mind not to return once he made it big. Oddly enough, his last live performance was in Waco, at the Heart of Texas Fair & Rodeo. Unfortunately, they scheduled him for 5:00 pm on like a Tuesday and I couldn't get there in time. Suppose mgtmt. thought no one wanted to hear an "over the hill" country singer.
Anyway thanks for the comment, thanks for the postings and if you put together a site for us fans of oldies, let me know.
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