Thursday, November 17, 2005

New Words

I'm in my second year of E.F.M. (Education for Ministry), a four year course of study taught under the auspices of The University of the South (Sewanee for you less enlightened). Let me start by saying: "I have NO intention of becoming a 'certified Preacher man'."

Lots of us crazy Episcopalians use it as a learning experience to solidify our faith, develop our own personal theology and to teach us how to minister as laity. It involves a commitment of one night a week for 36 weeks for a period of 4 years, and annually paying tuition and purchasing the text. In doing so, we send bunches more than the cost of the materials to Sewanee as administration expense. It ain't a cheap program.

Anyway, first year is Old Testament, second year is New Testament and so on. I can really recommend E.F.M. as a great tool for your personal toolbox. Year one (O.T.) certainly broadened and deepened my knowledge as well as my faith and year two is continuing along the same path. In the past couple of weeks I've learned some really great words like kerygma and didache and Shema.

So, where am I going with this? At first I thought I wanted to tell all about what these words mean, but after letting this sit overnight and proof reading it, I changed my mind. I do believe that learning about the Shema has broadened my respect for the Jewish tradition. And that an understanding regarding these concepts and definitions seems to me to be worthwhile.

If you're so inclined, and don't recognize them, check 'em out.


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