Friday, August 26, 2011

It's EfM time again...

... and this year I'm officially co-mentoring and really looking forward to it. In no particular order, our group will include 5 PHD's, 3 Year Three's, 7 Year One's, ages ranging from late 60's down to early 40's, an Oregon liberal and some Texas conservatives, at least one Universalist, 2 Baptists, 1 Methodist, 8 Episcopalians and 1 member of undetermined affiliation, 4 women and 8 men including one married couple; and no "shrinking violets", I hope and pray.

That's a pretty diverse group, "Thanks be to God", for I believe that's what makes an EfM experience really work the way it should. I can assure you that this will be a seminar setting with anticipated unique contributions from all. As mentor, I'll get to watch and absorb, but will NOT teach. The last 4 years that I've been associated with this particular group, we've had some members come and go, graduated 9 and are returning three from last year. The relationships formed have been one of the high points of my journey. EfM has truly taught me the meaning of "brothers and sisters in Christ." I can't wait to begin re-establishing old and beginning those new relationships which define the EfM process.

If anyone who happens by doesn't know about or hasn't considered EfM (Education for Ministry) here's the link. Check it out, particularly if you're searching for meaning amidst all our earthly trials.

Peace & grace y'all.


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